Saturday, November 20, 2010

Aleli's Weather Journal

Aleli's Weather Journal is a project from Cardo School. I'm homeschooling Aleli at home. She is in the first grade. This will be a e-porfolio of Aleli's Weather Journal. She will be observing the weather daily and we will be documenting the weather in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. We will be posting the info on this blog. The purpose is for her to observe the weather, collect data,draw conclusions from the data. She will have a paper copy of a weather journal where she will practice writing her observations on the weather. We are also using the project guide from Science A-Z on the weather as a starting point for her project. This Weather Journal starts now in the Fall and it will be updated. We will also look at the Weather forecasts on the Direct TV Active Radar for Direct TV Customers so she can compare the projections with actual observations she makes. My goal is that Aleli will learn about the weather through this activity. You can join us in the journey and see how the weather changes in the Blue Ridge Mountains.